Maximum number of recipients

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Maximum number of recipients

Post by rifaiii »

Hi all

I would like to ask three questions:
1-How can i increase the maximum number of recipients at my mailing list, because a message shows and states that the number of maximum recipients will be reached soon.

2-When i want to send a new message, and click on the preview button, a message that says "error in dyn tages" shows, although the message delivered without any errors.

3-How can i personalize the messages, and make each recipients name appear in the message for instance?

I hopw someone will be able to asnwer my queries.

Thanks alot
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Post by maschoff »

1. See install guide. There is a property in you have to adjust.

2. Se user manual which describes use of dyn tags.

3. Again, please read the user manual to see which tags you should use to solve your problem (at page 261 starts a list of all available agn tags).
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Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Apr 07, 2010 6:50 pm

Post by rifaiii »


Thanks for the reply. Actually i found the answers for the first and third questions, but still didn't found anything about the dyn tags. Also i would like to know if there is any feature that allows me to remove all duplicate email addresses from my current list of users?
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