Final release of OpenEMM 6.1 published

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Final release of OpenEMM 6.1 published

Post by maschoff »

We published the final release of OpenEMM 6.1 at SourceForge:

OpenEMM 6.1 comes with a slight GUI rebrush, an update of the import wizard, improved handling of deleted target groups and various bug fixes. For the full list of features and bug fixes please have a look at the ChangeLog file.

You can upgrade from OpenEMM 5.4.x, 5.5.x or 6.0.x using the online update feature. In any case, please read file UPDATE.txt in directory /home/openemm afterwards to finish the updates process successfully - even if no warning or error message has been reported.

Please use this forum entry for your feedback. For serious bugs we will provide patches via SourceForge as soon as possible, less critical bugs will be covered with maintenance release 6.1.1 scheduled for next month.

The Windows version of OpenEMM 6.1 will be released at the end of this week.

If you like OpenEMM, please give us a "thumbs up" rating at - this will increase visibility of OpenEMM and grow the user community!

By the way, if you want to get notified when new patches or releases of OpenEMM are available, please visit our Twitter log at .
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