Bug/Not-Sate-Of-The-Art: Webservice WSDL => RPC/Encoded

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Bug/Not-Sate-Of-The-Art: Webservice WSDL => RPC/Encoded

Post by oemmnewbie »


I know its not really a Bug but to some degree it is one nevertheless. With the current "toolings" like Apache CXF (and as I have read also the current AXIS versions), it is not possible to generate Java Code out of the provided WSDL as the RPC/Encoded style seems to be from an WS era quite some time ago and is not supported anymore. this makes the webservice useless (as old axis and new cxf libs dont work well alongside each other...)

WSDLToJava Error: Rpc/encoded wsdls are not supported with CXF

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Post by maschoff »

We plan to offer a new set of webservices based on Sprin WS by the end of this year.
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Re: Bug/Not-Sate-Of-The-Art: Webservice WSDL => RPC/Encod

Post by sp »

oemmnewbie wrote:Hi,

I know its not really a Bug but to some degree it is one nevertheless. With the current "toolings" like Apache CXF (and as I have read also the current AXIS versions), it is not possible to generate Java Code out of the provided WSDL as the RPC/Encoded style seems to be from an WS era quite some time ago and is not supported anymore. this makes the webservice useless (as old axis and new cxf libs dont work well alongside each other...)

WSDLToJava Error: Rpc/encoded wsdls are not supported with CXF

see also:

You can use the RPC/literal WSDL style when creating the WSDL file and plain Java 6 to access the web service.
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