Basic question: merge list A and list B into new list C ?

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Basic question: merge list A and list B into new list C ?

Post by GAS »

Hi all,
i got two lists on my openemm: List A and list B.
i want all the addresses from list A and list B into a new list C, how do i achieve that?

I tried to export both lists, merge them and import into a new list, but it obviously doesn´t work, since all addresses already stand either in list A or B.

This question is probably obvious, but i still did not find any solution.
Anyone can help?
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Post by maschoff »

You can create a new target group containing all addresses from list A and B and create a third mail list C based on this target group.
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Post by GAS »

hmmm ok, but how could i "create a new target group containing all addresses from list A and B"
when i try to set up a new group, i got a choice of filtering rules like change_date, creation_date and so... but nothing obvious allowing me to select users from a particular list?

i´m currently trying to guess how the application is organised from the mysql tables but... the only thing i could say is that it´s quite obscure.
I managed to find the ID of each mailing_list (it´s mailinglist_id in mailinglist_tbl)

Any more precise answer is really welcome!
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Post by maschoff »

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