Ubuntu Appendix C: OpenEMM as Redirection Server on Port 80

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Ubuntu Appendix C: OpenEMM as Redirection Server on Port 80

Post by midnight_sun »

Ubuntu 10.4 doesn't seem to contain /etc/sysconfig/iptables
so the instructions don't work for me. Its using ufw. Can anyone help?

Users can't view CMS_Content because of the use of TCP:8080

Thanks in advance!
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:13 pm

Post by midnight_sun »

I've found adding the info to before.rules does somthing but not the expected. All traffic on the system fails. UFW starts ok but traffic in and out fails.

I have a firewall infront of openemm that can redirect traffic from port 80 to Resin's 8080 BUT the content links openemm is inserting on CM images is :8080. How can i modify this so :8080 is removed but still keeps openemm working? Modification of cms.properties or emm.properties removing 8080 breaks openemm. Adding FQDN to rdir_domain hasn't helped either.
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