[25.10.2010 13:58:08] 9791 ERROR/data: Unable to get database cursor
[25.10.2010 13:58:08] 9791 ERROR/data: Update failed: readDatabase.cursor
When I try to send a new e-mail with the users Normal Recipients it doesn't arrive, only arrive when I test with users Test Recipients and Administrators . Can You help me?
My Linux distribution is Debian 2.6.26-25lenny1 and the package that It's using is python-mysqldb 1.2.2-7 (A Python interface to MySQL)
I think that's right! Look, I remembered that my mysql is connecting with another port (3406), then Do I must to edit the file agn.py? How?
openemm@natasha:~$ cd bin
openemm@natasha:~/bin$ cd scripts
openemm@natasha:~/bin/scripts$ ls
agn.py bav-update.py is_no_systemmail semu.py softbounce.py
agn.pyc bavwrap pickdist.py slrtscn.py update.py
bavd.py config.sh recovery.py smenable.py upgrade.py
bav-trigger.py filter_or_forward scan_and_unsubscribe smenable.pyc
openemm@natasha:~/bin/scripts$ ./agn.py
./agn.py: line 91:
* The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public Attribution
* License Version 1.0 (the License); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.openemm.org/cpal1.html. The License is based on the Mozilla
* Public License Version 1.1 but Sections 14 and 15 have been added to cover
* use of software over a computer network and provide for limited attribution
* for the Original Developer. In addition, Exhibit A has been modified to be
* consistent with Exhibit B.
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an AS: File name too long
./agn.py: line 95: import: command not found
./agn.py: line 96: import: command not found
./agn.py: line 97: try:: command not found
./agn.py: line 98: import: command not found
./agn.py: line 100: hash_md5: command not found
./agn.py: line 101: hash_sha1: command not found
./agn.py: line 102: except: command not found
./agn.py: line 103: import: command not found
./agn.py: line 105: hash_md5: command not found
./agn.py: line 106: hash_sha1: command not found
./agn.py: line 107: import: command not found
./agn.py: line 108: import: command not found
./agn.py: line 109: try:: command not found
./agn.py: line 111: import: command not found
./agn.py: line 112: database: command not found
./agn.py: line 113: except: command not found
./agn.py: line 114: database: command not found
./agn.py: line 116: changelog: command not found
./agn.py: line 117: syntax error near unexpected token `,'
./agn.py: line 117: ` ('2.0.0', '2008-04-18', 'Initial version of redesigned code', 'ud@agnitas.de'),'