Upgrade 6.1-6.2 : alter table -> sql error Duplicated Ent

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Upgrade 6.1-6.2 : alter table -> sql error Duplicated Ent

Post by phbobo »

When I try to upgrade my openemm database during the upgrade process from 6.1 to 6.2, the mysql upgrade command :

ALTER TABLE customer_1_binding_tbl ADD CONSTRAINT cust_1_bind_un UNIQUE KEY (customer_id, mailinglist_id);

gives the following result :

ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 1: Duplicate entry '157-8' for key 'cust_1_bind_un'

I even had fully modify my DB from MyISAM to InnoDB, but that doesn't help.

I am not expert in mysql, so I don't know how to fix this.

Thanks for your help.
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Post by maschoff »

This means that you have a duplicate entry in table customer_1_binding_tbl for a certain double of customer_id and mailinglist_id which you have to remove first before you can set the constraint. If you do not want to set this constraint you can go without it.
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