Windows OpenEMM 6.1 -> Linux OpenEMM 6.2

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Windows OpenEMM 6.1 -> Linux OpenEMM 6.2

Post by markus607 »

Dear OpenEMM-Experts,

I have an existing installation of OpenEMM 6.1 running on a Windows 7 Machine, with which I already worked.
Now I installed a Ubuntu Linux system with the OpenEMM version 6.2, my questions are the following:

-How can I move the mailings, recipients from the old machine to the new one?
-Which tables are effected for this purpose? Or do I have to move the whole database?
-Did the table structure change between version 6.1 and 6.2?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Windows OpenEMM 6.1 -> Linux OpenEMM 6.2

Post by maschoff »

This is quite easy:

1. Dump your database with

Code: Select all

mysqldump -aCceQx --hex-blob -u root -p -r openemm.sql openemm
mysqldump -aCceQx --hex-blob -u root -p -r openemm_cms.sql openemm_cms
2. Set up OpenEMM 6.1 on Ubuntu.

3. Set up the database wirh

Code: Select all

mysqladmin -u root -p create openemm
mysqladmin -u root -p create openemm_cms
mysql -u root -p openemm < openemm.sql
mysql -u root -p openemm_cms < openemm_cms.sql
4. Check if OpenEMM 6.1 works and your data is present

5. Update OpenEMM 6.1 as described in the documentation (because the DB schema changes)
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Re: Windows OpenEMM 6.1 -> Linux OpenEMM 6.2

Post by richardzamora »

Great information! Thanks for this response. It gives me ideas on setting up OpenEMM 6.1.I will just follow the given guides.
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