I installed OpenEMM on my freebsd system. It all works fine. Emails are deliveded, I can acess my administration pannel. But what I want to know is, how can I create enviroment for new users. I know how to add new users and how to set them rights. But how can I achive to set up complete blank (fresh) enviroment for the new created user. Something like virtual enviroment. So this new user can have its own recipiens, he cant see other users list ... so he have his own enviroment (virtual) on OpenEMM system and he can only use his own recipiens ... managing only his data. He can't see any other data from other users. He has to have his own system within global OpenEMM instalation (on my freebsd machine). New user has to be administrator of his own account.
Do I have to make a fresh installation of OpenEMM for each of new users?
Im sory for my english.
Thank you and best regards,
New user enviroment
Moderator: moderator
Re: New user enviroment
Ok so I find out that you have to have commercial product for multi user mode. Can I update my free OpenEMM version to commercial version without deinstalling current free version of my OpenEMM?
Re: New user enviroment
Hello Mr. Igor,
as you see, multi- Users capability are only supported by our commericial version EMM(E-Marketing-Manager).
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questiones about EMM.
Best Regards
Dandi Zhang
Account Manager
Email: dzhang@agnitas.de
web : www.agnitas.de
as you see, multi- Users capability are only supported by our commericial version EMM(E-Marketing-Manager).
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questiones about EMM.
Best Regards
Dandi Zhang
Account Manager
Email: dzhang@agnitas.de
web : www.agnitas.de