openemm.sql and GUI Interface Unbuntu 10.10 Sever 32bit

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openemm.sql and GUI Interface Unbuntu 10.10 Sever 32bit

Post by Cameronkk »


I would just like to know, does "mysql -u root -p openemm < openemm.sql" reffer to that specific file name or would I have to use openemm-6.2.sql for a database, as openemm.sql does not exist.

root@tantive:/usr/share/doc/OpenEMM-6.2# mysql -u root -p openemm < openemm.sql
-bash: openemm.sql: No such file or directory

And when I do use #########-6.2.sql if seems to be working fine but I cannot add any Mail Recipients, just gives me a blank blue page.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance

I just recieved a cause error for the first time at mail recipients: Cause: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspTagException: java.sql.SQLException: Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_5ea_0.MYI' (Errcode: 13)
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Re: openemm.sql and GUI Interface Unbuntu 10.10 Sever 32bit

Post by maschoff »

Yes, file openemm-6.2.sql is the openemm.sql file for OpenEMM 6.2

The error message suggests that user openemm or MySQL can not write to directory /tmp.
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