i have a problem, or to describe it a bit better, i use OpenEMM in a very unusual szenario i guess. i hope i do not bore anyone if i describe what i got and how i solve it, maybe some of the kind readers knows some points to improve my setup.
I have an OpenEMM 6.2 server on Debian lenny
The userdata are in an already exisisting databes and are collected by an collector.py programm which just:
1. truncates the customer and customer_bindings table
2. selects the users from the parent database
3. formats the data
4. split them into the languages
5. insert them to the database
6. sets the bindings
(if someone is interested in the collector.py just ask

here is my first problem. if i use my script, there is no way to add new users via the webinterface after the script was started. maybe there is an internal counter which avoids this insert. the unsubscribe option is not in use, it just sends an mail to an unsubscribe mailaddress and will be synced before sending an new mailing cause i currently cant handle the unsubscription in dialoge to the parent database. this is my second problem.
greets Joerg