Regarding login credentials

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Regarding login credentials

Post by sreyas_in »

I have installed OpenEMM v 6.2 on Windows XP and when i run the command start.bat from the home directory of OpenEMM in the command prompt, I get a message:
Starting up.. home is C:\OpenEMM.. found codebase.. found Database
Running, press Return for termination:
I have also set the variables in the C:\OpenEMM\webapps\core\WEB-INF\classes for the following files:
1>.cms properties file: I have changed the variable cms.ccr.url=http://localhost:8080 to cms.ccr.url=
2>.emm properties file: I have changed system.url=http://localhost:8080 to system.url=
ecs.server.url=http://localhost:8080 to ecs.server.url=

However, when I go to the website and try to login to the server with the default login credentials that is provided in the installation guide i.e. username: admin and password: openemm, it says Wron username or password or account temporarily locked.

Could you please help me out with this as I am sure the OpenEmm is setup properly and running but I am unable to login with the mentioned credentials and am not able to change it either. Thanks.
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Re: Regarding login credentials

Post by maschoff » is not your domain. You have to use your own domain name, of course.
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Re: Regarding login credentials

Post by sreyas_in »

Thanks for your reply.
Will I have to use my company's website as the domain and replace all the variables i had set with the same?
For ex if I am working in company xyz will i have to go to because i tried that earlier and the page was not loading. Please let me know. Thanks
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Re: Regarding login credentials

Post by maschoff »

Please read the documentation of OpenEMM. The OpenEMM Install Guide addresses all questions regarding installation and configuration of OpenEMM.
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Re: Regarding login credentials

Post by sreyas_in »

I read the documentation completely and have followed the same instructions but was just wondering if it is possible to use the server you are hosting i.e. for sending email campaigns as the same is mentioned in the 2011 pdf installation guide. If yes, then please let me know what credentials to use to login as my client requires me to use OpenEMM only.
I would really appreciate your help regarding this as I have been trying to get the OpenEMM application since 4-5 days and have not been successful so far. Please guide me what is to be done to fix the issue. Thanks.
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