The problem I think is that there are alot of old addresses on the list, and connections are timing out and the messages are being deferred. Greylisting is also happening alot, and I guess this doesn't help things either. All these timeout messages and greylisted messages stay in the queue and clog it up.
Is there any way of tuning openemm to allow for a faster throughput (maybe increasing the queue size, I dont mind the messages sitting there until they reach expiration). Is there any way of reducing the life of the message from 5 days to 1 day? (Sendmail also seem to only process one message at a time?)
I have seen on another forum post about implementing 2 queues, one for fast transmission and a second for slower transmissions. Would this help and can this be implemented mid send?
I ultimately need to speed this mailshot up without interrupting it. Any assistance or guidance would be appreciated