Preview takes a long time

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Preview takes a long time

Post by CPWork »


I'm using the v2011 VMX RH provided and still having problems.

When previewing it can take upto 15 minutes for he preview to load/render. It does eventually render but takes upto 15 minutes!

Surely this isn't right? This is on the same VM host that I had a windows 2008 v6.2 installation running and previewing speed was instant. There are no other VMs running on this host. it has 4GB ram, and access to upto 2.2Ghz quad core CPUs. The datastore it is running on is a 4 disk raid system. so resources should be fine.

Also, it maybe linked but when starting up the sendmail app can take upto 5-7 minutes to initialize.

Any ideas?

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Joined: Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:54 pm

Re: Preview takes a long time

Post by CPWork »

well, to update this. I've created a test mailing and sending the Test-email takes just as long, upto 15minutes to send a mailing! :(

This is the VMX provided so I'm confused where it's going wrong.

Where can i look to see what's going wrong?
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Re: Preview takes a long time

Post by CPWork »

I had configured the v2011 VMX with the eth0 as the remote IP, which seemingly works as I can log into OpenEMM via the remote IP address, not the locally provided DHCP, but a provider WAN IP. So great, but with just the one eth0 the preview and sendmail takes takes.

I noticed when starting sendmail would take ages to load.

Anyway, I added a second eth1 card with a internal DHCP, and now the start script is fast loading, no pause on the sendmail part. And with OpenEmm started the preview and send mailing works fast.

So why does adding eth1, with an internal DHCP make any difference to the sendmail script.

Doesn't like DNS of the external IP address? how can i verify that thought?

Any ideas?
Posts: 26
Joined: Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:54 pm

Re: Preview takes a long time

Post by CPWork »

DNS not set correctly on the WAN adapter, eth0.

Updated the below with correct DNS, now works:

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