Mails were sent only after restart of openemm

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Mails were sent only after restart of openemm

Post by ecoment »

Hi there,

I got the following problem. I have a clean and fresh installation of OpenEMM on my Debian Squeeze running. Everything works fine, except the mails were not send directly. I have to restart openemm to send mails out.

I disabled sendmail because on the same machine a postfix mailserver is running and therefore I have to use the internal MTA of openemm. So far I checked the following topics:

- read access to maillog works
- start / stop of openemm works finde
- mails get generated
- searched the logs, but could nothing found resolving my problem.

Since there are no log entries I cannot determine what the problem ist. I create a new mailing and click on send. The mails were generated but not sent. When I restart the openemm by invoking " stop && start" the mails were sent out directly after restart.

Any idea what the problem could be?

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Re: Mails were sent only after restart of openemm

Post by maschoff »

Yes, the 2nd MTA. Disable Postfix and everything should work.
OpenEMM Maintainer
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