Minimum version of MySQL

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Minimum version of MySQL

Post by flyboy »

What is the minimum version of MySQL for OpenEMM? The docs say 4.0, but I have 4.0.21 and I can't use the SQL script to create the database because it doesn't support:

collate utf8_unicode_ci

and probably more stuff, but I gave up at this point because the last of the 3 above items probably breaks functionality.

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Post by minichip »

Hi Sam,

I had the same problem on debian. During isntallation I ran into trouble importing the sql file. I solved the problem trough upgrading the mysql version from 4.0.24 to 4.1.11a.
Since it tried it on a spare machine the upgrade was no problem for me.

best regards
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Post by flyboy »

Unfortunately, I’m on a system that has other stuff running on it. This sets me back a week or two because now I have to go find and set up another piece of hardware before I can even test the openEMM. :-(

Too bad, because I need it now and it looks like a pretty decent tool from the documentation.

If the developers are reading this they might consider updating the documentation about the prerequsites to say 4.1 is a requirement instead of 4.0. I vaguely remember 4.0 being an orphaned version of 4.x—more like 3.x than 4.1. Maybe it would save someone else the wasted effort of going through more than half the setup before figuring out they can't install the product because of their database version.
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MySQL version

Post by maschoff »

flyboy, thanks, I will put a note on the requirement page.
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Post by flyboy »

Thanks Master. FYI I'm not complaining--I'm just trying to help out other folks.
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