I've purchased an SMTP send with authentication, but I'm not able to let the smart-relay configuration work properly.
I'm tailing all the openemm's log files and this is the output I get:
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==> /home/openemm/var/log/20101014-ubuntu-srv-web-semu.log <==
[14.10.2010 18:09:32] 13346 WARNING/349eTdcac00000001: Retry as sent to authsmtp.stid.it failed 400: 'EOF occurred in violation of protocol'
[14.10.2010 18:09:32] 13346 DEBUG/349eTdcac00000001: Skip incomplete bounce None/None/'EOF occurred in violation of protocol'
[14.10.2010 18:09:32] 13346 DEBUG/349eTdcac00000001: Updated qfile /home/openemm/var/spool/ADMIN/qf349eTdcac00000001
[14.10.2010 18:09:32] 13346 INFO/349eTdcac00000001: Softbounce 400: EOF occurred in violation of protocol
[14.10.2010 18:09:32] 13346 WARNING/349eTdcac00000002: Retry as sent to authsmtp.stid.it failed 400: 'error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol'
[14.10.2010 18:09:32] 13346 DEBUG/349eTdcac00000002: Skip incomplete bounce None/None/'error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol'
[14.10.2010 18:09:32] 13346 DEBUG/349eTdcac00000002: Updated qfile /home/openemm/var/spool/ADMIN/qf349eTdcac00000002
[14.10.2010 18:09:32] 13346 INFO/349eTdcac00000002: Softbounce 400: error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol
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Let's assume my credentials are usern@me and p@ssword. I' tried this solutions but they didn't work:
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