Max length for custom alphanumeric value in profile?

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Max length for custom alphanumeric value in profile?

Post by tkluge »


What is the max length for custom alphanumeric values in the profile?

Background: I would like to add user-specific longer texts from an external system via webservice to OpenEMM and embedd this text fragments into the mailing.

My tests: I tried various length for the fields, but OpenEMM does not really work as expected. Here are the lengths for fresh created alphanumeric value fields that I tested with the appropriate result with OpenEMM:
1) length = 10'000 chars - no problem, value is sent in the email
2) length = 100'000 chars - the length in the list of values is 16277215, the field is not filled in the mailing
3) length = 16'277'215 chars - the length in the list of the values is set to 2147483647, also no email is sent.

Does anybody have similar experiences? What is the max length for such fields/values?

Is there a solution to store and use longer alphanumeric values? I know that this should not be used, but there is no other solution (since most of the mailing is personalized and generated from our mailing software).

Best regards and thanks for any feedback

PS: I'm using OpenEMM version 5.5.1.
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Re: Max length for custom alphanumeric value in profile?

Post by elefante »

The maximum I got was 21190 on alphanumeric field. When I tried 21195 I got:

Code: Select all

Field name in DB invalid. Please use only characters 'A' through 'Z', '0' through '9', and ".", "-", "*", "_"!
The profile fields overview shows the same length for the created field.

I am using OpenEMM 2011.
Fernando Campos
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Re: Max length for custom alphanumeric value in profile?

Post by elefante »

There is a magic number close to 21.000 I guess. You can create many dynamic fields, but the length sum must be above this value.
Fernando Campos
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Re: Max length for custom alphanumeric value in profile?

Post by maschoff »

I think the limitations are imposed by MySQL, OpenEMM itsself does not set a limit.
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