unsubscription link with ##AGNUID## not working

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Re: unsubscription link with ##AGNUID## not working

Post by Unicol »

NVM sorry I use it on an FTP sort of thing (Or rather virtual machine) to access it via a browser (So I can edit and check the status of the program when I am out of the office).
Sorry for that confusion...

Anywho... Any solution?

EDIT:// I just checked my statistics and it has 30 (18) under the unsubscribe link (It's the only tracked link). What does this mean? Does it mean 30 clicked and 18 were successful or something? It says there are 18 "Opt-Outs" related so I am assuming so..
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Re: unsubscription link with ##AGNUID## not working

Post by Unicol »

Answering myself Woo-hoo.

I've had a talk with another IT Tech and we found that on my company's network it's impossible to check the unsubscribe link and it will ALWAYS lead to an error, however anyone outside SHOULD be able to use the link (Here's an extract from the e-mail)
that you can only use this link from OUTSIDE THE UNICOL NETWORK, which is correct for the receivers of the newsletter.

This is related to the different addresses: From INSIDE your network the adresse for the OpenEMM server is “mailer.unicol.de:8080” and from OUTSIDE your network (i.e. from the internet) the address is “remote.unicol.de:8080”. This address is used by the newsletter and therefore it works only outside UNICOL.
He did give one solution for us which was;
A solution would be to create the dns name “http://mailer.unicol.de” with the ip address Splend-It could do this for you. When this dns entry is created and populated to the internet (this will last about one day), you can use this new address http://mailer.unicol.de:8080 instead of http://remote.unicol.de as url in the unsubscribe link and it will work from inside and outside your network.
Seems kinda long winded. Maybe a "Test unsubscribe" or something is needed?

But regardless of this I've had nearly half the people who click the unsubscribe link recieving errors still and they are not on the network. Is this simply a bug with regards to the OpenEMM mailing software?

EDIT:// This is also something which hits the "Trackable links" (As I was using the inside network to check them and finding them lead to errors).
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Re: unsubscription link with ##AGNUID## not working

Post by fzurell »

I seem to have a similar issue. I'm running OpenEMM 2013 and to me it looks like the ##AGNUID## variable is not replaced by the unique user ID in the emails that are sent out. I've so far only send out emails to the Admin and Test subscribers. In both cases the URL still contains the verbatim variable "##AGNUID##" instead of a unique userid.

As far as I understand this variabel should be replace upon sending of the email. I've checked my settings as described in this post for my links show up under trackable and are marked as trackable links.

The even "funnier" part is, that in the plain text version the variable is actually replaced with the UID but not in the HTML version of the mail. In both templates I'm using the same variable to refer to the profile change/unsubscribe links:

[agnDYN name="9.0 change-profil-URL"/] will be replaced by http://myhost/form.do?agnCI=1&agnFN=de_ ... D=##AGNUID## in the content section.

Any idea what the issue might be?
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Re: unsubscription link with ##AGNUID## not working

Post by sr-ska »

Same problem: OpenEMM 2013 is not changing this code ##AGNUID## in the HTML Version
http://my.domain.de:8080/form.do?agnCI= ... D=##AGNUID##
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Re: unsubscription link with ##AGNUID## not working

Post by maschoff »

This is what I did to reproduce your problem:

1. Create a fresh database:

Code: Select all

mysqladmin -u root -p drop openemm
mysqladmin -u root -p drop openemm_cms
mysqladmin -u root -p create openemm
mysqladmin -u root -p create openemm_cms
mysql -u root -p openemm < openemm-2013.sql
mysql -u root -p openemm_cms < openemm_cms-2013.sql
2. Start OpenEMM

Code: Select all

su - openemm
openemm.sh start
3. Check functionality in OpenEMM:
- open mailing "en_doi_mail"
- use preview in content tab -> TXT version looks fine (http://localhost:8080/r.html?uid=
- deactivate mailing in tab "send mailing"
- set mail format to "Text and HML" in mailing tab
- create a HTML version in content tab:

Code: Select all

<a href="http://www.my-company.de/form.do?agnCI=1&agnFN=en_doi_welcome&agnUID=##AGNUID##">Unsubscribe</a>
- check HTML preview -> HTML looks fine ("Unsubscribe" with link http://localhost:8080/r.html?uid=

What happens when you try this?
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Re: unsubscription link with ##AGNUID## not working

Post by sr-ska »

Only in the href changes, not in the Text!
<a href="http://...link...##AGNUID##"></a>
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Re: unsubscription link with ##AGNUID## not working

Post by fzurell »

I've setup a test system and followed your instruction and indeed it worked. I used my own template code and again the ##ADNUID## were not replaced. Initially I couldn't spot a difference between the example template and my template.

But apparently the parser is very sensitive about the quotation marks used in the HTML template:


the green code works, the red one doesn't
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