Error in dyn tags - Fresh install of 2013 VM

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Error in dyn tags - Fresh install of 2013 VM

Post by yakyak »

Love this great product! Upon creating my first Mailing in the Virtual Machine version of 2013, I get the red text error "Error in dyn tags" when I attempt to preview my mailing. I've made zero content changes to my content which I created based upon the the English template. I think what broke it was simply clicking on any TEXT MODULE, invoking the WYSIWYG editor (making zero changes) and then clicking SAVE. I've checked for updates and double checked my and the FCKEditor fckpath=fckeditor-2.6.6 statement is correct.

Running CentOS 6.3.

mail.tagcheck.log shows:

Code: Select all

[15.04.2013  10:48:29] WARNING/emmtag/(1/1/6/-1): Invalid parameters: Header-image"
[15.04.2013  10:48:29] WARNING/emmtag/(1/1/6/-1): Invalid parameters: date"
[15.04.2013  10:48:29] WARNING/emmtag/(1/1/6/-1): Invalid parameters: Intro-text"
[15.04.2013  10:48:29] WARNING/emmtag/(1/1/6/-1): Invalid parameters: Greeting"

mail.preview.log shows:

Code: Select all

INFO/create: Found error for 13/2: java.lang.Exception: Syntax error in tag name [agnDVALUE name=">

Now in the CONTENT tab of my mailing, I just get a blank white screen when I click on any TEXT-MODULE. :cry: Until I invoked the WYSIWYG editor, I could successfully PREVIEW my template...and basically did not have any problems. Test emails were sent successfully until this problem started.

catalina.out shows:

Code: Select all

Hibernate: select dyncontent0_.dyn_name_id as dyn6_1_, dyncontent0_.dyn_content_id as dyn1_1_, dyncontent0_.dyn_order as dyn4_1_, dyncontent0_.dyn_content_id as dyn1_7_0_, dyncontent0_.company_id as company2_7_0_, dyncontent0_.dyn_name_id as dyn6_7_0_, dyncontent0_.dyn_content as dyn3_7_0_, dyncontent0_.dyn_order as dyn4_7_0_, dyncontent0_.target_id as target5_7_0_ from dyn_content_tbl dyncontent0_ where dyncontent0_.dyn_name_id=? order by dyncontent0_.dyn_order asc
Thanks for any assistance folks!

Update 4/19/2013:
I just installed the Win32 2013 version and it too has the same bug as the VMX version. I am dead in the water. :(
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Re: Error in dyn tags - Fresh install of 2013 VM

Post by maschoff »

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