Extension development issues

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Extension development issues

Post by bk007 »

I was investigating creating an extension for OpenEMM and had a few questions:
  • Where's the source (.java) for the MailingStatisticsExportFeature extension? The zip in SourceForge only has the compiled binary.
  • There's a BitBucket repo that's labeled as OpenEMM. Is this an official source repo? I hope so, because it seems to me that the source distribution of OpenEMM is pretty unorganized.
  • Are there any more extensions that exist other than the 3 that are on SourceForge?
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Re: Extension development issues

Post by bk007 »

On a related note, BlacklistWildcardSearchFeature doesn't compile (it's missing a closing brace).

It's a simple fix, but I can't help but think I'm looking at completely wrong stuff. Is there some other place I should be looking for extension examples?
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Re: Extension development issues

Post by maschoff »

You can find the source code in the ZIP file in directory /src/org/agnitas/emm/plugin/mailingstatisticsexport.

We (the core developers) do not know a BitBucket repo.

We upload all extensions to SourceForge which are contributed as open source, but the plugin concept was only introducd at the end of this January, so it is quite new.

I compared file BlacklistWildcardSearchFeature.java with the file in our SVN repo and I could find no difference. Where do you think is a brace missing?
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Re: Extension development issues

Post by bk007 »

Hi maschoff -

Thank you for the reply! I was looking through the forums, and it's obvious you put in a LOT of work keeping up with all the threads. So thank you for taking the time to respond to mine.

A few notes:

** The extension BlacklistWildcardSearchFeature definitely has an extra bracket, and will not compile as-is. Specifically, line #143 is missing a closing brace (or, most likely, the developer didn't intend to have a brace on that line at all). A simple way of confirming this is to count the number of opening vs closing braces: 16 opening, 15 closing (fgrep -o '{' BlacklistWildcardSearchFeature.java | wc -l)

** Is there an open repository of OpenEMM code? You mentioned the developers are using SVN. Is it possible for others (e.g. me) to get read-access to the repo? It would make keeping up with bug fixes much easier!

** You're correct that the source for MailingStatisticsExportFeature is included in the SourceForge zip. Sorry, I was an idiot for not seeing it :)
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Re: Extension development issues

Post by maschoff »

Regarding the bracket, I was the idiot. :-) We fixed the class and replaced the plugin at SourceForge.

We do not provide an open repository because we have not figured out how to prevent our commercial competitors to sneak at the code and find out what we are plan to release in the future, yet. (We use continuous delivery, i.e. the code contains all work in progress.)

However, when we come close to a new release we use to publish milestones and beta versions.

If you have a contribution you could send a diff file for the unzipped source tarball, for instance.
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