Is there a way to disable built-in feature from a plugin?

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Is there a way to disable built-in feature from a plugin?

Post by ruffp »

I have a customer which is not interested by some feature of the product or by some extension of the feature.

The question is simple: is it possible to deacivate a feature (let say a link) on a page and provide my own feature instead?

For exemple how to override the "Delete selected target groups" link on the "target group" overview page?
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Re: Is there a way to disable built-in feature from a plugin

Post by maschoff »

Disable user right "show plugin manager".
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Re: Is there a way to disable built-in feature from a plugin

Post by ruffp »

By meaning disable a feature I was thinking a built-in feature (like the Delete All Recipient link).

I notice I can disable such link in the user rights, but my question is more like this:
If I want to make my own behaviour (like unsubscribre everybody in the mailing) how I can override this through my own plugin?
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