Which Version?

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Which Version?

Post by nterry »

I've been running OpenEMM 2013 for a while, very sucessfully. Currently hosted on a 32bit Fedora16 system. For reasons unrelated to OpenEMM, that server is being retired and I need to migrate to a Centos7 64bit system.

I went to SF to download a new copy to install but thre seem to be multiple versions. I can see OpenEMM-2013-bin.tar.gz and OpenEMM-2013_R2-bin.tar.gz, which should I use? I also see a 2015 Beta version, how long before that is released and is there a good reason to wait for it?

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Re: Which Version?

Post by maschoff »

For productive use OpenEMM 2013 R2 (release 2) is the latest version right now. For the release of the upcoming OpenEMM 2015 you should follow the public roadmap here:
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