var/spool/ARCHIVE - can it be disabled?

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var/spool/ARCHIVE - can it be disabled?

Post by jim_frey »

Because I send out a lot of large images in my mailings, I fill up the directory /home/openemm/var/spool/ARCHIVE very quickly. Is there a way to not have OpenEMM archive the mailings? Or should I just make a crontab to delete yesterday's folder in there?
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Re: var/spool/ARCHIVE - can it be disabled?

Post by maschoff »

If you do not need the content of the ARCHIVE directory - just delete it anytime!
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Re: var/spool/ARCHIVE - can it be disabled?

Post by jim_frey »

Anytime? Maybe things have changed, but I think I deleted it once while a mailing was going out and it stopped the mailing. I remember having to re-create the current day's directory to get things to work again. I'll have to try again.

I also stuck a mailing that was going out yesterday when I did the upgrade. Is there a way to un-stick a mailing it so it starts sending again? If not, no big deal.
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