How would you like the OpenEMM sourcecode ...

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Re: How would you like the OpenEMM sourcecode ...

Post by maschoff »

Yes, but we will stay with Ant, because we have a sophisticated build process for our commercial versions which is based on Ant as well.
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Re: How would you like the OpenEMM sourcecode ...

Post by anondev »

Are there plans to switch to Maven with the pro version too, or is it impossible due to some constraints (although I can't see what Ant can do and Maven can't) ?
We devs would thank you for that...
In addition to that, I would also vote for an Eclipse/Netbeans/both-ready source version. Does it already exist? Is ther an easy way to import the source into a project?
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Re: How would you like the OpenEMM sourcecode ...

Post by maschoff »

The only contraint regarding Maven is that noone in our team has experience with Maven.

I do not understand what you mean by "Eclipse-ready source version". We provide the source code with a directory jave for the packages and classes and jsp for JSPs and WEB-INF folder. What else would you need?

We plan to switch to Git this year and publish an open Git repo. Maybe this would help?
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Re: How would you like the OpenEMM sourcecode ...

Post by anondev »

I guess the community can't help you with the pro version, as it is closed source software. But maybe this could be possible, if a member of your team learned to use it.

For the project part, I was talking about shipping with a .project or some files/structure that would enable the "import project from filesystem" feature in Eclipse (and, I guess, from Netbeans too).
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Re: How would you like the OpenEMM sourcecode ...

Post by toni »


where can I find the source code for the latest stable version that I can easily import into Eclipse?
The code should contain a .project file and .classpath file.

Otherwise could you please explain me how to import the sorce code found on SourceForge in Eclipse so that it works?

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Re: How would you like the OpenEMM sourcecode ...

Post by maschoff »

You do not need a .project and .classpath file to import OpenEMM's source code into an Eclipse workspace. You can simply

- create a new dynamic web project with source folders src/java + src/conf and content directory src/jsp
- unpack the OpenEMM source tarball
- import the unpacked files (and overwrite dummy files in dynamic web project)
- add all JARs from directory lib to the project's build path

That's it!
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Re: How would you like the OpenEMM sourcecode ...

Post by mokarram »

with a bit more clarity when it comes to the documentation of things like Jars and dependancies. If the objective is to increment the use of the software and make many more people and institutions use it, then we require the ability to change things like standard layouts of default views. I think that its a great thing to have the source code availible. Perhaps we could be tasked with this documentation to help with your on going efforts.
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Re: How would you like the OpenEMM sourcecode ...

Post by ylrsi »

maschoff wrote:- add all JARs from directory lib to the project's build path
Where is this "lib" directory with JARs? I can't find it... (which I think is what mokarram was getting at)
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Re: How would you like the OpenEMM sourcecode ...

Post by maschoff »

If you have a look at the files on SourceForge: There is an extra tarball with all JAR files named OpenEMM-2013_R2-JARs.tar.gz: ... MM%202013/
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