You should fix that.OpenEMMApplication is NOT running
Install issues
Moderator: moderator
Re: Install issues
the installer is bitchy. i use
During installation of the modules, the installer complains that the backend is not installed. And asks me to install it.
Next the installer downloads the backend module and fails during installation.
The installer complains that he can´t stop the backend at all.
Cannot stop backend
How can the installer stop a backend that is not installed at all ?!?
The installer should detect that the backend isn´t installed and not only try to stop it.
I think the installer is fine if you do a upgrade installation.
But it´s not fine for a clean installation at all.
I tried to use the 20.04 OVA but it´s still not available.
the installer is bitchy. i use
During installation of the modules, the installer complains that the backend is not installed. And asks me to install it.
Next the installer downloads the backend module and fails during installation.
The installer complains that he can´t stop the backend at all.
Cannot stop backend
How can the installer stop a backend that is not installed at all ?!?

The installer should detect that the backend isn´t installed and not only try to stop it.
I think the installer is fine if you do a upgrade installation.
But it´s not fine for a clean installation at all.
I tried to use the 20.04 OVA but it´s still not available.
Re: Install issues
So has ANYONE been able to get this installed using the PDF install document ?
Re: Install issues
I was able to …
Download the OVA today, compiled Pyhton 3.8 and upgraded to 20.04.
So, the upgrade worked with a running
And, i was once able to install 20.04 these days from Scratch, but not reproducible
Maybe my Compile Script will help….
Download the OVA today, compiled Pyhton 3.8 and upgraded to 20.04.
So, the upgrade worked with a running
And, i was once able to install 20.04 these days from Scratch, but not reproducible
Maybe my Compile Script will help….
Code: Select all
su - root
yum -y install wget gcc gcc-c++ bzip2-devel
yum -y install gdbm-devel libgcrypt-devel libffi-devel libxml2-devel ncurses-devel
yum -y install openssl-devel readline-devel sqlite-devel zlib-devel xz xzdevel
cd ~
mkdir -p /root/python3
wget -P /root/python3/
mkdir -p /home/openemm/opt/Python-3.8.3
rm -f /home/openemm/opt/python3
ln -s /home/openemm/opt/Python-3.8.3 /home/openemm/opt/python3
tar -C /root/python3 -xaf /root/python3/Python-3.8.3.tgz
cd /root/python3/Python-3.8.3
./configure --prefix=/home/openemm/opt/Python-3.8.3
make test
make install
echo 'pathmunge /home/openemm/opt/python3/bin' > /etc/profile.d/
chmod +x /etc/profile.d/
. /etc/profile
which python3
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install py3dns
python3 -m pip install xlrd xlwt xlutils
python3 -m pip install paramiko pyspf dnspython dkimpy
python3 -m pip install pycrypto
python3 -m pip install requests
python3 -m pip install httpie
python3 -m pip install setproctitle
python3 -m pip install inotify
python3 -m pip install aiodns aiohttp aiohttp-xmlrpc aiosmtpd
yum -y install mariadb-devel
python3 -m pip install mysqlclient
shutdown -r now
Re: Install issues
This worked for me … (with CentOS 7)
Do all configuration as root , don´t believe the installer asking for a Restart of OpenEMM Server ..
So if it asks for restarting Services, don´t do it …
Just Keep going and ignore the Errors the installer Shows up…
At the end it´s fine.
I think the Admin Guide gives an idea what to do
next will be APR and https on my list % if all works…
Again with 19.10 and a Migration ...
I Keep my documentation simple …

Do all configuration as root , don´t believe the installer asking for a Restart of OpenEMM Server ..
So if it asks for restarting Services, don´t do it …
Just Keep going and ignore the Errors the installer Shows up…
At the end it´s fine.
I think the Admin Guide gives an idea what to do

next will be APR and https on my list % if all works…
Again with 19.10 and a Migration ...
I Keep my documentation simple …
Code: Select all
= OpenEMM Installer v20.04.003 =
Root mode: On
Host: emm
Runtime Version:
Manual Version: Unknown
OpenEMM Version: Unknown
System-Url: Unknown
OpenEMMBackend Version:
Current menu: Show OpenEMM status
OpenEMM status:
Operating System (OS): CentOS 7
Python version: 3.8.3 (default, Jun 13 2020, 13:56:55) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-39)]
Postfix Version: 2.10.1
DB client version: /bin/mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.13-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper
Database Connection: OK
Database version: MariaDB 10.3.13-MariaDB
OpenEMM database structure exists (Version 20.01.460)
Currently running database threads ratio (Current: 6, Maximum: 6): 1.0
Database table emm_db_errorlog_tbl: OK
Jobqueue status: OK
No DKIM keys
Java version: 1.8.0_252 (Oracle)
Tomcat version:
Tomcat-Native version: 1.2.23
Wkhtml version: wkhtmltopdf 0.12.6-rc (with patched qt)
OpenEMMApplication is running (Tomcat ProcessID: 12190, started at: 15:03 0:54)
OpenEMMBackend ok: once
OpenEMMBackend running: mailout, update, trigger, generate, mta, pickdist, slrtscn, direct-path, bav-update, bavd, bav, mlcontrol
Code: Select all
# 5.2 Runtime Deployment
su - root
# configure basic environment
# change this configuration? Y
# path for JAVA_HOME Default
# path for CATALINA_HOME 'Enter'
# install the included Tomcat Y
# path for optional Tomcat-Native 'Enter'
# install the included Tomcat-Native Y
# path for wkhtmltopdf Default
# DO NOT Restart OpenEMM Server !!!
# now configure DBMS and create DB
# dbms = mariadb
# host = localhost
# name = openemm
# password = Password
# user = openemm
# save and create DB with mariadb password
# DO NOT Restart OpenEMM Server !
# Install or update package from AGNITAS Website
# Download and install latest runtime Y
# Install/Upgrade runtime N
# Install/Upgrade tomcat N
# Install/Upgrade tomcat-natie N
# Install missing frontend Y
# Install gui Y
# Now the magic happens, a DB setup is peformed
# Install statistics Y
# Install webservices Y
# Install manual Y
# Install backend Y
# Backend Download is fine, some tasks are executed
# Backend install will fail now!
Will throw error => Cannot stop backend
# Now Restart OpenEMM Server (Menu - 8)!
# And you are Done with a running OpenEMM

Re: Install issues
Thanks ever so much for your info..
i have provisioned a brand new centos vps.
installed as per your script..
ive got to the end an i have this:
So the takeaway is ive followed every step and OpenEMMApplication and OpenEMMBackend arent running, but looks like they are installed..
help please ??
im happy to give access to someone if they are kind enough to fix it for me
i have provisioned a brand new centos vps.
installed as per your script..
ive got to the end an i have this:
Code: Select all
= OpenEMM Installer v20.04.003 =
Debug mode: On
Root mode: On
License: OpenEMM (ID: 0)
Runtime Version:
Manual Version: 19.07.004
OpenEMM Version:
System-Url: Unknown
OpenEMMBackend Version:
Current menu: Show OpenEMM status
OpenEMM status:
ERROR:root:DKIM keys
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/openemm/tomcat9/bin/", line 2265, in readApplicationStatus
cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT domain FROM dkim_key_tbl WHERE valid_end IS NULL OR valid_end > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ORDER BY domain")
File "/home/openemm/opt/python3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 209, in execute
res = self._query(query)
File "/home/openemm/opt/python3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 315, in _query
File "/home/openemm/opt/python3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/MySQLdb/", line 239, in query
_mysql.connection.query(self, query)
MySQLdb._exceptions.ProgrammingError: (1146, "Table 'openemm.dkim_key_tbl' doesn't exist")
Command 'su -c "/home/openemm/bin/ status" openemm' returned non-zero exit status 1.
Operating System (OS): CentOS 8
Python version: 3.8.3 (default, Jun 13 2020, 20:21:13) [GCC 8.3.1 20190507 (Red Hat 8.3.1-4)]
Postfix Version: 3.3.1
DB client version: /usr/bin/mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.17-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1
Database Connection: OK
Database version: MariaDB 10.3.17-MariaDB
OpenEMM database structure exists (Version 20.01.460)
Currently running database threads ratio (Current: 6, Maximum: 1): 6.0
Database table emm_db_errorlog_tbl: OK
Jobqueue status: 7 errorneous jobs (BirtReports, LoginTrackTableCleaner, CalendarCommentMailingService, ...)
No DKIM keys
Java version: 1.8.0_252 (Oracle)
Tomcat version:
Tomcat-Native version: 1.2.23
Wkhtml version: wkhtmltopdf 0.12.6-rc (with patched qt)
OpenEMMApplication is NOT running
OpenEMMBackend is NOT installed or NOT running
help please ??
im happy to give access to someone if they are kind enough to fix it for me

Re: Install issues
Hi Adam,
you could try with a CentOS 7 installed from Scratch and use/follow my very basic install script.
This script install 99% of the basic settings to get OpenEMM running.
Still some postfix tasks are not included and OpenEMM Config must be done manually.
You need to generate the emm-master password and change the setting for productions.
This script will only install a working system.
you could try with a CentOS 7 installed from Scratch and use/follow my very basic install script.
This script install 99% of the basic settings to get OpenEMM running.
Still some postfix tasks are not included and OpenEMM Config must be done manually.
You need to generate the emm-master password and change the setting for productions.
This script will only install a working system.
Code: Select all
# Before using / starting this script
# Install a minimal CentOs from CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-2003.iso
# Transfer openemm-runtime-20.*.tar.gz to /home/tmp
# Modify passwords used in this script
# Script Starts here ...
# Passwords used are here ...
# Verifiy if cron is running
su - root -c "service crond status;exit"
read -p "Verfiy crond status [Enter] to continue"
# Verifiy is SELinux is Disabled
# Permissive : Actions contrary to the policy are only logged in the audit log.
su - root -c "sed -i 's/SELINUX=permissive/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config"
su - root -c "sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config"
# Modify for SSH Slow Login or Filezilla slow
# In your /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the remote server you should change the option GSSAPIAuthentication to no
# You can amend the sshd_config file to use the UseDNS no parameter. This will stop the reverse DNS lookup. It is safe to do.
sed -i 's/GSSAPIAuthentication yes/GSSAPIAuthentication no/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sed -i 's/#UseDNS yes/UseDNS no/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# 3.1 Packages of Operating System
sudo - root
yum -y install net-tools wget nano zip
yum -y update
yum -y install gcc make
yum -y install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel
yum -y install xorg-x11-fonts-75dpi zlib fontconfig freetype libX11 libXext libXrender urw-fonts
# 3.2 DBMS / MariaDB
yum -y install centos-release-scl
yum -y install rh-mariadb103-mariadb-server
sudo systemctl enable rh-mariadb103-mariadb
sudo systemctl start rh-mariadb103-mariadb
cd /bin
ln -s /opt/rh/rh-mariadb103/root/bin/* .
sudo mysqladmin -u root password $Password_MariaDB
echo $Password_MariaDB > /root/.mysqlpw
chmod 600 /root/.mysqlpw
# Here we will add our content one line after the string is matched
sed -i '/socket=/a\lower_case_table_names=1\nwait_timeout=604800\nsql-mode="STRICT_ALL_TABLES,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION"' /etc/my.cnf
sudo systemctl restart rh-mariadb103-mariadb
# 4 Server Preparations
su - root
groupadd openemm
useradd -m -g openemm -d /home/openemm -s /bin/bash openemm
echo $Password_OpenEMM | passwd --stdin openemm
sudo usermod -aG wheel openemm
# 4.1 Firewall
firewall-cmd --get-active-zones
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=25/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-forward-port=port=80:proto=tcp:toport=8080 --permanent
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-forward-port=port=443:proto=tcp:toport=8443 --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload
# 4.2 Postfix Deployment
# just a simple postfix, needs tweaking
systemctl stop sendmail
yum -y remove sendmail
yum -y install postfix sendmail-milter procmail
alternatives --set mta /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix
# 4.3 Sendmail Deployment
# not used
# 4.4 Tomcat Deployment
# Will be installed with OpenEMM
# 4.5 Image and PDF Creation Tool wkhtmltox
su - root -c "cd ~ ; wget; rpm -ihv wkhtmltox-*.rpm; exit"
# 4.6 Configuration of Operating System Logging Parameters
su - root -c "sed -i 's/#RateLimitInterval=30s/RateLimitInterval=10s/g' /etc/systemd/journald.conf"
su - root -c "sed -i 's/#RateLimitBurst=1000/RateLimitBurst=10000/g' /etc/systemd/journald.conf"
su - root -c "systemctl restart systemd-journald"
su - root -c "sed -i '/^$IMJournalStateFile*/a $imjournalRatelimitInterval 60' /etc/rsyslog.conf"
su - root -c "sed -i '/^$imjournalRatelimitInterval*/a $imjournalRatelimitBurst 60000' /etc/rsyslog.conf"
systemctl restart rsyslog
# 4.7 Miscellaneous
# System value for maximum parallel files open (= ulimit) is 1024. Must be at least 16384.
su - root -c "sed -i '/# End of file/a* hard nofile 16384\n* soft nofile 16384\nroot hard nofile 16384\nroot hard nofile 16384' /etc/security/limits.conf"
# 5 OpenEMM Deployment
# Installation (for 20.04)
# 5.1 OpenEMM Download
su - openemm -c "tar -C /home/openemm -xvzpf /tmp/openemm-runtime-20.*.tar.gz ; exit"
### Python 3.8 Compile
su - root
yum -y install wget gcc gcc-c++ bzip2-devel
yum -y install gdbm-devel libgcrypt-devel libffi-devel libxml2-devel ncurses-devel
yum -y install openssl-devel readline-devel sqlite-devel zlib-devel xz xzdevel
cd ~
mkdir -p /root/python3
wget -P /root/python3/
su - openemm -c "mkdir -p /home/openemm/opt/Python-3.8.3"
su - openemm -c "rm -f /home/openemm/opt/python3"
su - openemm -c "ln -s /home/openemm/opt/Python-3.8.3 /home/openemm/opt/python3"
tar -C /root/python3 -xaf /root/python3/Python-3.8.3.tgz
cd /root/python3/Python-3.8.3
./configure --prefix=/home/openemm/opt/Python-3.8.3
make test
make install
echo 'pathmunge /home/openemm/opt/python3/bin' > /etc/profile.d/
chmod +x /etc/profile.d/
. /etc/profile
which python3
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install py3dns
python3 -m pip install xlrd xlwt xlutils
python3 -m pip install paramiko pyspf dnspython dkimpy
python3 -m pip install pycrypto
python3 -m pip install requests
python3 -m pip install httpie
python3 -m pip install setproctitle
python3 -m pip install inotify
python3 -m pip install aiodns aiohttp aiohttp-xmlrpc aiosmtpd
yum -y install mariadb-devel
python3 -m pip install mysqlclient
shutdown -r now
# VMWare snapshot "After Python 3.8 Compile"
### Python 3.8 Compile
# 5.2 Runtime Deployment
# configure basic environment
# change this configuration? Y
# path for JAVA_HOME Default
# path for CATALINA_HOME 'Enter'
# install the included Tomcat Y
# path for optional Tomcat-Native 'Enter'
# install the included Tomcat-Native Y
# path for wkhtmltopdf Default
# DO NOT Restart OpenEMM Server !!!
# now configure DBMS and create DB
# dbms = mariadb
# host = localhost
# name = openemm
# password = Passw0rd
# user = openemm
# save and create DB with mariadb password
# DO NOT Restart OpenEMM Server !
# Install or update package from AGNITAS Website
# Download and install latest runtime Y
# Install/Upgrade runtime N
# Install/Upgrade tomcat N
# Install/Upgrade tomcat-natie N
# Install missing frontend Y
# Install gui Y
# Now the magic happens, a DB setup is peformed
# Install statistics Y
# Install webservices Y
# Install manual Y
# Install backend Y
# Backend Download is fine, some tasks are executed
# Backend install will fail now!
Cannot stop backend
# Restart OpenEMM Server now! (Menu - 8)!
# Done
shutdown -r now # Relogin
# If you connect to the IP you should see the website.
# Please Read in Admin Guide chapter 5.4 ff
Re: Install issues
Hi Jurgen - thanks for your continued helpful support !
Ok, so i started with a newly provisioned Centos 7 VPS
Went thru your guide step by step, all looking great.
once getting to the last step, i get an error when emm tries to restart.
but if i then do a show status i get
which states the backend is not running
either way, i get no output on :8080 or :80
i feel like i am close... but i just dont know..
any help ?
Ok, so i started with a newly provisioned Centos 7 VPS
Went thru your guide step by step, all looking great.
once getting to the last step, i get an error when emm tries to restart.
Code: Select all
= OpenEMM Installer v20.04.003 =
Debug mode: On
Root mode: On
License: OpenEMM (ID: 0)
Runtime Version:
Manual Version: 19.07.004
OpenEMM Version:
OpenEMMBackend Version:
OpenEMM system restarted
Code: Select all
= OpenEMM Installer v20.04.003 =
License: OpenEMM (ID: 0)
Runtime Version:
Manual Version: 19.07.004
OpenEMM Version:
OpenEMMBackend Version:
Current menu: Show OpenEMM status
OpenEMM status:
/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Command '/home/openemm/bin/ status' returned non-zero exit status 1.
Operating System (OS): CentOS 7
Python version: 3.8.3 (default, Jun 14 2020, 14:08:02) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-39)]
Postfix Version: 2.10.1
DB client version: /usr/bin/mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 5.5.65-MariaDB, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1
Database Connection: OK
Database version: MariaDB 5.5.65-MariaDB
OpenEMM database structure exists (Version 20.01.300)
Currently running database threads ratio (Current: 1, Maximum: 3): 0.333
Database table emm_db_errorlog_tbl: OK
Check Jobqueue status: ERROR
No DKIM keys
Java version: 11.0.7 (Oracle)
Tomcat version:
Tomcat-Native version: 1.2.23
Wkhtml version:
OpenEMMApplication is NOT running
OpenEMMBackend is NOT installed or NOT running
either way, i get no output on :8080 or :80
i feel like i am close... but i just dont know..
any help ?
Re: Install issues
could you try with a Hyper-V/VM/VirtualBox Installation with the CentOS 7 iso?
What is you CentOS VPS based on?
I use a english CentOs with only German Keyboard...
I had this sometimes, that a restart of the sevice Fails, so once i did a full Restart of CentOs, OpenEMM was fine…
(currently testing with centos 8 …, Nothing to do today
could you try with a Hyper-V/VM/VirtualBox Installation with the CentOS 7 iso?
What is you CentOS VPS based on?
I use a english CentOs with only German Keyboard...
I had this sometimes, that a restart of the sevice Fails, so once i did a full Restart of CentOs, OpenEMM was fine…
(currently testing with centos 8 …, Nothing to do today

Re: Install issues
It’s a KVM vps with time4vps just built from scratch centos image.
I’ve restarted the entire server too.
Just none of it makes any sense.
It’s a KVM vps with time4vps just built from scratch centos image.
I’ve restarted the entire server too.
Just none of it makes any sense.
Re: Install issues
I had a typo in my Pyhton 3.8 compilation…
yum -y install wget gcc gcc-c++ bzip2-devel
yum -y install gdbm-devel libgcrypt-devel libffi-devel libxml2-devel ncurses-devel
yum -y install openssl-devel readline-devel sqlite-devel zlib-devel xz xz-devel
the hyphen was missing, but i had no Problem.
Why do you use Java 11 and Maria 5.5.65 and old OpenEMM db structure?
This seems no part of my script.
Database version: MariaDB 5.5.65-MariaDB
OpenEMM database structure exists (Version 20.01.300)
yum -y install wget gcc gcc-c++ bzip2-devel
yum -y install gdbm-devel libgcrypt-devel libffi-devel libxml2-devel ncurses-devel
yum -y install openssl-devel readline-devel sqlite-devel zlib-devel xz xz-devel
the hyphen was missing, but i had no Problem.
Why do you use Java 11 and Maria 5.5.65 and old OpenEMM db structure?
This seems no part of my script.
Database version: MariaDB 5.5.65-MariaDB
OpenEMM database structure exists (Version 20.01.300)
Re: Install issues
hmmm something has bee lost here
so i should be using openemm-runtime- version of the installer ?
so i should be using openemm-runtime- version of the installer ?
Re: Install issues
Yes, you could try the 043 installer and Maria 10.3 …
are you located in or near Vilnius ?
are you located in or near Vilnius ?