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Re: "Error in dyn tags."

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:33 am
by mokarram
Try this one:

Code: Select all

yum install libxml2.i686
Should fix the issue and let system execut xmlback in order to preview mailing html/text contents

Re: "Error in dyn tags."

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:46 am
by gerb
Any updates?

Re: "Error in dyn tags."

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:02 pm
by maschoff
No. This problem originates in xmlback, which renders the final HTML code for the preview and mailings of OpenEMM. For performance reasons xmlback is written in C which makes it platform dependent. So far we could simply compile the C code with a C compiler from Microsoft and the result worked flawlessly. With OpenEMM 2011 for Windows it is different, and we have to dig deep - but we have almost no experience with Windows. :-(

So, the only thing I can promise right now is that we will have fixed the bug by the time we release the final version of OpenEMM 2012.

Re: "Error in dyn tags."

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:30 am
by templeton

I'm having this issue as well. And I suspect some sending issues as well but I have to test more. Does this xmlback issue cause sending problems that you know of?

You said you were able to reproduce the issue and got a good log entry so what's the problem? Do you know where in the program this failure is happening? Windows API call? System library? I have a lot of Windows experience maybe I can help.


Re: "Error in dyn tags."

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 7:32 am
by maschoff
xmlback generates a lot of log output in log file catalina output. The parse method of xmlback claims

"Unable to set variables for evaluator [1: gender]" (if type=1 is used)


"Unable to find valid element layout in var\\spool\\META\AgnMail=...xml.gz"

Re: "Error in dyn tags."

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 3:33 pm
by sbit
I'm using openemm on Windows 2003 and get the error:

ERROR/blockmail->layout: Unable to set variables for evaluator [1: fieldname]

whenever I use a numeric field in a target group. Is this due to xmlback also?

Re: "Error in dyn tags."

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:01 am
by thinwath
Well still no updates on this - imo - critical issue.

You said it will be fixed in release of OpenEMM 2012 - when we will see a RC or something? Any roadmap we could look into?


Re: "Error in dyn tags."

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:12 am
by maschoff

Re: "Error in dyn tags."

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:27 am
by thinwath
While my need is coupled with this problem:

Is it possible to downgrade from 2011 to the latest 6.x version without big changes on my data?

Re: "Error in dyn tags."

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:37 am
by rene.beiler

got the same issue on a 64Bit CentOS.

The Problem is that xmlback is 32Bit and linked against the 32Bit which may be not installed on a 64Bit OS.

yum install libxml2.i386

installed the 32Bit version in addition to the 64Bit one and xmlback works and shows the previews.

I know this not helps Windows users, but maybe there is a way to copy/link the 32Bit Windows library file into the appropriate location?!

Re: "Error in dyn tags."

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:25 am
by friedbrain
I have the same issue with OpenEMM 2011 on 64 Bit CentOS but
rene.beiler wrote:yum install libxml2.i386
doesn't help.

Are there any other (currently available) solutions?

Edit: This is a blocker bug to me as OpenEMM is not usable with this bug as it doesn't send mails.

Re: "Error in dyn tags."

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:05 am
by webq
I did a fresh Windows install on Windows Server 2012 - worked really fine until I ran into that very problem with xmlback.

[agnTITLE type=1] and [agnTITLEFULL type=1] are failing during preview. Other tested agn-Tags work fine.

Here is the log portion:

Code: Select all

[19.10.2012  01:43:00] ERROR/writer/meta/(1/2/7/-1): command [bin\xmlback.exe, -r, -q, -l, -EC:\OpenEMM\temp\error6485052878390711896.tmp, -opreview:path=C:\OpenEMM\temp\preview302111556447245010.xml, var\\spool\\META\AgnMail=D20121019014300=1=7=00002=liaMngA.xml.gz] returns 1:
[19.10.2012  01:43:00] 1676 ERROR/blockmail->layout: Unable to set variables for evaluator [1: gender]
[19.10.2012  01:43:00] 1676 ERROR/blockmail: Unable to find valid element layout in var\\spool\\META\AgnMail=D20121019014300=1=7=00002=liaMngA.xml.gz
[19.10.2012  01:43:00] ERROR/writer/meta/(1/2/7/-1): command [bin\xmlback.exe, -r, -q, -l, -EC:\OpenEMM\temp\error6485052878390711896.tmp, -opreview:path=C:\OpenEMM\temp\preview302111556447245010.xml, var\\spool\\META\AgnMail=D20121019014300=1=7=00002=liaMngA.xml.gz] failed (Missing binary? Wrong permissions?): java.lang.Exception: command returns 1 (255)
[Fatal Error] preview302111556447245010.xml:1:1: Premature end of file.
[19.10.2012  01:43:00] INFO/create: Found error for 7/3: java.lang.Exception: Execution of [bin\xmlback.exe, -r, -q, -l, -EC:\OpenEMM\temp\error6485052878390711896.tmp, -opreview:path=C:\OpenEMM\temp\preview302111556447245010.xml, var\\spool\\META\AgnMail=D20121019014300=1=7=00002=liaMngA.xml.gz] failed: java.lang.Exception: command returns 1 (255)
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature end of file.
I read all the posts, but did not find any applicable solution.
Is there still no workaround on Windows? I would really love to use it, but you can't mail without correct salutations... :cry:

(installed the current OpenEMM 2011 Win-version from Sourceforge, Tomcat 6.0.35, Python2.7, MySQL Server 5.1, JDK 1.6.0_37)

Re: "Error in dyn tags."

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:28 am
by maschoff
This is a known bug. We will fix it for OpenEMM 2012 (hopefully this month) and provide a backport for OpenEMM 2011 too.

Re: "Error in dyn tags."

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:42 am
by sbscom
Dear maschoff, installed OpenEMM yesterday, everything OK, expect this issue, which is a K.O., as there's no way to send the newsleter :cry: ... Any news ???? (Hopefully)

Re: "Error in dyn tags."

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:29 pm
by friedbrain
maschoff wrote:This is a known bug. We will fix it for OpenEMM 2012 (hopefully this month) and provide a backport for OpenEMM 2011 too.
You should rename it to OpenEMM 2013. :twisted:

It sucks that there is no patch for OpenEMM 2011.