Re: "Error in dyn tags."
Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:10 pm
i still get the error "Fehler in Dyn-Tags." with OpenEMM 2013, running on a Win8 machine (32bit), as in OpenEMM2011 before on Windows-Plattforms.
It occurs at previewing a mailing (with no agn-tags in it). Later, trying to send a simple testmail with just one line of text, i started to look through the logfiles
and found this ...
i still get the error "Fehler in Dyn-Tags." with OpenEMM 2013, running on a Win8 machine (32bit), as in OpenEMM2011 before on Windows-Plattforms.
It occurs at previewing a mailing (with no agn-tags in it). Later, trying to send a simple testmail with just one line of text, i started to look through the logfiles
and found this ...
in file:2013-11-20 16:38:20,306: ERROR [http-8080-1] org.agnitas.beans.impl.MailingImpl - triggerMailing
java.lang.Exception: Execution of [bin\xmlback.exe, -q, -l, -EC:\OpenEMM\temp\error8442664329662783529.tmp, -ogenerate:temporary=true;syslog=false;account-logfile=var\spool\log\account.log;bounce-logfile=var\spool\log\extbounce.log;media=email;path=var\spool\ADMIN, var\spool\META\AgnMail=D20131120163820=1=6=00001=liaMngA.xml] failed: Cannot run program "bin\\xmlback.exe": CreateProcess error=740, Der angeforderte Vorgang erfordert erhöhte Rechte
Any hint to get whatever run the xmlback.exe with more permissions?C:\OpenEMM\logs\openemm\openemm_core.log