new to OpenEMM

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new to OpenEMM

Post by ecptime »

Good Day, I have not yet installed OPenEMM, I wanted to ask first if this software can operate from my ISP's server.
I am curently using phplist for my emaillists and subscribe/unsubscribe functions.
Is OPenEMM the same type of email program as phplist?

With phplist all files are located on my ISP server and all functions are performed via a admin login from the INternet webpage. Php list uses a SQL database located on the ISP server.

From looking at the documentation for OpenEMM it looks like all files are to be located on the customers server and not the ISP server is this correct (excuse my ignorance).

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Post by maschoff »

OpenEMM offers more features and a better usability than phplist, but the demands are higher, too:

- you need to have Java 5 or 6 installed (see install guide)

- you need sendmail or must not have any other SMTP server on your server (see install guide)

- you can install OpenEMM on a client and use your client as OpenEMM server, but you should install OpenEMM on a dedicated server

- you can use the mail server of your ISP as mail relay (see install guide)
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Post by ecptime »

Thanks for the reply, I have installed all the components for OpenEMM on my stand alone windows Vista computer and I am able to run the start.bat file as described.
I am still a confused as to the next step. Am I correct in assuming that the OpenEMM program runs from my stand alone computer and that I donot have to upload any files or applications on my ISP server?

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Post by lord_alan »

Thanks for the reply, I have installed all the components for OpenEMM on my stand alone windows Vista computer and I am able to run the start.bat file as described.
I am still a confused as to the next step. Am I correct in assuming that the OpenEMM program runs from my stand alone computer and that I donot have to upload any files or applications on my ISP server?

I don't think you will be able to achieve what you need from your local computer.

OpenEMM needs sendmail (or it uses its own mail server) to actually send emails. You might be able to get it to work but I guess your ISP will need to act as an SMTP relay for this to work properly.



PS - I'm a fairly new user myself, so don't consider me an expert... But our experience so far is that it works really well.
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Post by ecptime »

Thanks for your help.
If you have OpenEMM running , then can you tell me if the files for openemm are located on your ISP?
I am running poMMO and phplist for mail list managers and both of these programs required a upload of files to my ISP and both use SQL and php, both these programs are accesseble from any Internet connection through a login portal.
Is this basically the same type of operation for OpenEMM?

Dan in Canada
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Post by lord_alan »

We manage our own servers (running Linux) provided by a hosting arrangement. So we have full (root) access to our machines.

We have sendmail and OpenEMM running on Ubuntu 8.04 server. This provides our email services and other facilities too.

An ISP tends not to offer you this level of access. OpenEMM needs much more than a typical PHP script, e.g. Apache and mod_php, and MySQL.


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