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agndate displays in german
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:14 pm
by molson150
when I put [agnDATE type=2] in my template html or text I get Mittwoch 28 Januar 2009 returned. I am not sure how to adjust this to be in english.
I have Openemm 5.5.1-1 installed
Re: agndate displays in german
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:01 pm
by mkalen
There are two undocumented attributes you can use with the [agnDATE] tag to control the locale used for formatting the date in Java.
Example for a swedish date:
Code: Select all
[agnDATE type="2" language="sv" country="SE"]
The list of possible language- and country codes are limited to those of the java.util.Locale class, documented here: ... ocale.html
Basically the Sun documentation just references other sites:
Try this for english:
Code: Select all
[agnDATE type="2" language="en" country="US"]
OpenEMM team; could you please update the documentation for [agnDATE] in Appendix A of the user manual and add the undocumented attributes? (Also the page number for agnDATE in the index is wrong, referring to the index page and not the appendix.)
That fixed it.
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:10 am
by molson150
Thank you for the help that fixed it.