OpenEMM Scaling and Memory?

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OpenEMM Scaling and Memory?

Post by lord_alan »


are there any details about the scale of OpenEMM with regards to size of database and RAM needs etc?

I have noticed this thread

But it doesn't give any parameters.

I am interested in specifying a new dedicated VM for up to several hundred thousand email addresses. Any ideas how much RAM I'd need?


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Post by maschoff »

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Post by maschoff »

BTW, we use as default

-J-Xms256m -J-Xmx512m

for our SaaS service eMM-Xpress (, which is perfect for up to 200,000 profiles. If you want to use up to 1,000,000 profiles you should set Xmx to at least 1024 to ensure a stable service. We have no experience with > 1,000,000 profiles.
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Post by lord_alan »

Thanks ma, yes, I did find it after I posted the original.

So from that can I assume that on a "lean" server (it's will be a dedicated box doing nothing else that OpenEMM) with 2G of RAM then we can handle several hundred thousand email addresses?

I have it running on a Virtual Machine currently that has 450Mb and is running alongside Tomcat, Apache and several LAMP apps too. Our db is quite small (<10,000) but it seems to be OK there.

I have tweaked the Java settings for RAM, but that was mainly to cope with Alfresco on Tomcat...


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