Using webservices
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 2:23 pm
Hi there 
I've installed openemm on windows using the guide provided.
Everything works fine without probs.
The only thing I can't seem to be able to get working are the webservices...
I already generated the ws.wsdl using the cmd file provided
When accessing http://localhost:8080/emm_webservice I get
but when accessing http://localhost:8080/services/urn:agni ... rvice?wsdl
I get
Any ideas, tips?

I've installed openemm on windows using the guide provided.
Everything works fine without probs.
The only thing I can't seem to be able to get working are the webservices...
I already generated the ws.wsdl using the cmd file provided
When accessing http://localhost:8080/emm_webservice I get
Code: Select all
And now... Some Services
* urn:agnitas-webservice (wsdl)
o newEmailMailing
o insertContent
o deleteContent
o sendMailing
o addSubscriber
o getSubscriber
o findSubscriber
o deleteSubscriber
o setSubscriberBinding
o newEmailMailingWithReply
o updateEmailMailing
o getSubscriberBinding
o updateSubscriber
I get
Code: Select all
404 Not Found
/services/urn:agnitas-webservice was not found on this server.
Resin-3.0.19 (built Mon, 15 May 2006 04:50:47 PDT)