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72h to send 100K emails, 4h for double opt-in confirm email

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 3:17 pm
by surferjoe
to sent out 100,000 emails OpenEMM token about 3 days. Also while the mailing was going out, after submitting data the double Opt-In confirmation emails takes about 4 ours to be delivered (instead of 1 or 2 minutes when there is no mailing running). There is a way to speed up the system? I'd like to reach 5,000-10,000 emails/hour. Also there is a way to avoid the delay needed to send the double opt-in confirmation emai? May be these issue are due to a bad sendmail config?

Some info about my server:

- CentOS 5.1 os, RAM 4GB, dual Xeon 2.40GHz

args=" -XX:+AggressiveHeap -J-Xms1496m -J-Xmx1496m"
ulimit -s 2048

- On $OPENEMM_HOME/conf/bav/bav.conf-local
I'm using "" as both sender and reply to/bounces address

- "service sendmail status" produces the output

sendmail (pid 32760 32733 32726 32720 32713 32701 32658 32652 32645 32633 32616 32605 32601 32589 32586 32582 32535 32494 32481 32474 32458 32454 32442 32373 32351 32340 32332 32290 32057 32024 31660 31648 31633 31560 31556 31506 31416 30914 30669 30647 29681 29223 2052 2048 2045 1369 1365 1359 1355 1349 1342 1306 1301 1296 1260 1257 1252 1248 1243 1239 1235 1231 1221 1213 1207 1197 1188 1182 1178 1169 1163 1159 1154 1150 1146 1140 1136 1128 1122 1116 1112 1108 1103 1091 1085 1082 1078 1067 1064 1060 1057 1046 1041 1038 1034 1031 1027 1022 1016 1011 1005 1001 996 993 989 983 976 971 965 958 955 951 944 941 937 932 928 923 920 915 910 903 888 885 881 877 874 869 863 859 853 850 845 836 830 823 819 784 781 777 773 767 733 729 725 721 717 709 705 702 689 678 673 663 659 654 649 644 639 636 629 626 621 617 606 603 598 493 364 359 310 300) is running...

- while mailing is going out I have about 12,000 files on var/spool/QUEUE
ls -l $OPENEMM_HOME/var/spool/QUEUE/ | wc -l

Thank You in advance.