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Image not loaded

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:41 pm
by DMoon

We have an issue with images in sent newsletter.

The tag agnIMAGE produce this html:

Code: Select all

<img src=3D"http://agoracitesnewsletter.dmoon2Ebe:8080/image?ci=3D3&mi=3D188&name=3Dagoracites.JPG" width=3D"" height=3D"" hspace=3D"" vspace=3D"" border=3D"" alt=3D"" altKey=3D"" align=3D"" scope=3D"" style=3D"">
This is well interpreted with Thunderbird, with GMail in Firefox and RoundCube in Firefox.
But not well interpreted with GMail in IE6, with Hotmail, with Outlook and neither with Outlook express.

I suspect a misinterpretation of the parameters values in the img src value. But have no clue how to solve it.

With Outlook and RoundCube in IE6 it's a bit weirder. The src is intrepreted as : ... acites.JPG

Does anyone knows that behavior and how to solve it?

We use the OpenEMM 5.5.1 version.

Thanks to help