Affected version: 5.0.2
Description: If you edit a mailing, there is a field for Reply-Name, but no one for Reply-Address.
Symptoms: In your the mails sent by your mailing, you may discover a broken or empty Reply-To-Header.
Detail: If you enter a name into the Reply-Name field, the Reply-To-Header of the mails looks like this:
Reply-To: Name <>
If you enter an email-address into the file Reply-Name, the Reply-To-Header looks like this:
Both is wrong. We need either no or a full Reply-To-Header.
Also see Bug-Tracker
* open htdocs/mailing/view_base.jsp
* locate the following JSP-code:
<td><bean:message key="ReplyFullName"/>: </td>
<html:text property="media[0].replyFullname" maxlength="99" size="42"/>
* then add the following JSP-code above it:
<td><bean:message key="ReplyEmail"/>: </td>
<html:text property="media[0].replyEmail" maxlength="99" size="42"/>
Note: The values you enter in the new form-field are not checked, whether they are a correct EMail-address or not.
Fixed in Version: none
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