tag in url makes link non-trackable?
Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 8:52 pm
Within the html content section of a newsletter, we include the following link.
<a href="https://store.mycompany.com/store/Upgra ... _freetrial">
OpenEmm does NOT replace that url with a trackable link. I'm assuming that's because of the embedded agnEMAIL tag, because that tag makes the url unique to every recipient. Is that true?
Is there any way I can make this link trackable?
Within the html content section of a newsletter, we include the following link.
<a href="https://store.mycompany.com/store/Upgra ... _freetrial">
OpenEmm does NOT replace that url with a trackable link. I'm assuming that's because of the embedded agnEMAIL tag, because that tag makes the url unique to every recipient. Is that true?
Is there any way I can make this link trackable?