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Location of JVM arguments in Windows version?

Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 8:40 am
by colin_b
Because we're having some problems with the heap space size of the JVM with large mailing lists, we're looking for the location to increase this memory limit.

After searching google / your documentation, two locations are mentioned, namely and core.conf, but the first is for Linux only and the second one (adding jvm-arg-tags) gives the following error because it's resin 3.0 apparently:

"<jvm-arg> is an unexpected tag (parent <server> starts at 12)"

The Windows version of seems to be httpd.exe, but in Notepad++ there are a lot of weird (null) symbols in there and I'm not sure what to edit without messing the file up.

So could anyone tell me exactly which file and which line in the file we have to edit to increase the xms / xmx size limits? Thanks in advance. :)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:28 pm
by colin_b
Ok, I've found a solution myself. For others facing this problem, I did the following: In I added the following after line 395 (in 'resinexec'):

Code: Select all

	cmd += ' -Xmx512m'
	cmd += ' -Xms512m'
This increases the max memory of the JVM OpenEMM uses.