Confused about agnTITLE and agnDVALUE

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Confused about agnTITLE and agnDVALUE

Post by francis »

Hi ,
I am a new openemm user. This software is great.

1) I have searched in vain for an explanation of what agnDVALUE does. will
appreciate if someone can explain this.

2) when I use agnTITLE.

It always output this : Mr. Chief Technical officer Peter
i.e Salutation, title and Lastname.

what I want to achieve is Salutation+Lastname e.g Mr. Peter
but there isn't any agn tag to achieve display just salutation

Thanks for helping
Posts: 6
Joined: Tue May 05, 2009 2:30 pm

Post by denmic »

You can configure how the agnTITLE tag should be displayed under the settings tab. The you can create new or edit existing salutation types. If you want to use a special salutation note down the salutation id and put it into the agnTITLE tag as parameter:

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