openemm sends 10000 emails than stops

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openemm sends 10000 emails than stops

Post by evp »

Hi I have seen the above problem listed on these forums, but could not find a resolution. Openemm sends out 10000 emails with no problem, but than stops.

Any ideas on whats going on?
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Same Problem

Post by lunarman9 »

I have the same Problem - but it's a little more random - not always 10000. I start sending - my list is about 50000 - and it starts off very quickly, but as time goes on it gets slower and slower until it completely stops and the queue file count does not change. Very frustrating - if anyone knows how to fix this please let me know.
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Post by maschoff »

OpenEMM tries to send out mails in 5,000 blocks by default. After each block it waits until the queue has been emptied to some degree.

But the more bounces OpenEMM receives the slower the delivery speed and no new block is delivered. Could it be that you get lots of replies from mailservers who do not accept your mails (maybe because of blacklisting) which drags down the performance of your system so that no 3rd block is delivered?
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Post by jimmyk »

I have the same issue as well. I started a mailing to our list several hours ago and it's still at 10k sent. The mail log file is over 100mb.

Is there a way to turn off the instant bounce handling? That seems to be the problem.

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Post by legatissima »

Is there any answer for this issue? I am experiencing the same problem.
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Post by maschoff »

Our sendmail specialist has two suggestions to free the queues:

1. To achieve a high delivery rate OpenEMM processes the mail queue in 1 minute cycles, but this also clogs the maillog file. You could change cycle time to 15 minutes. Therefore, you have to change line 60 of file in directory /home/openemm/bin:

Code: Select all

$sm -q1m -NNEVER -OQueueDirectory=$BASE/var/spool/QUEUE -OPidFile=$run/
Replace parameter -q1m with -q15m.

2. Tell sendmail that it should keep mails for a shorter period of time in its queue before dropping them. This can be done by amending the line mentioned above with option

Code: Select all

Replace <timespec> with the time sendmail should keep mails in the queue. Default value is 5d (5 days). We do not know if times lower than 1d are possible, but you could try for example 240m for 6 hours or 60m for one hour.
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