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Instant Bounce Not Recognized

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 4:06 am
by jimmyk
Here is the error I'm getting

[31.08.2009 20:03:58] 4717 ERROR/updBounce: No company_id for mailing 439126 found
[31.08.2009 20:03:58] 4717 WARNING/updBounce: Cannot map mailing 439126 to company for line: 2.0.0;0;439126;0;439126;stat=Sent (ok ; id=20090901030346M1100dbpsee) []
[31.08.2009 20:03:58] 4717 ERROR/updBounce: No company_id for mailing 439072 found
[31.08.2009 20:03:58] 4717 WARNING/updBounce: Cannot map mailing 439072 to company for line: 2.0.0;0;439072;0;439072;stat=Sent (ok ; id=20090901030346M1100dbpsfe) []
[31.08.2009 20:03:58] 4717 ERROR/updBounce: No company_id for mailing 438682 found
[31.08.2009 20:03:58] 4717 WARNING/updBounce: Cannot map mailing 438682 to company for line: 2.0.0;0;438682;0;438682;stat=Sent (Ok: queued as 8F6CF121005C) []
[31.08.2009 20:03:58] 4717 INFO/udpBounce: Found 0 hardbounces, 0 softbounces, 0 successes in 73 lines
[31.08.2009 20:03:58] 4717 ERROR/loop: Update for bounce failed

Any ideas on how to solve this?


Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:15 am
by maschoff
company_id should be 1 for OpenEMM. Did you modify the database schema or company_tbl?