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Recipients in two mailing lists

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:38 am
by nik1204
Hi all,

i have got a problem with my recipients in several mailing lists. There are about 1.500 of 40.000 recipients, which are in two mailing lists. Now i want to delete them from one of the two mailing list. I tried to export them, but the export file does not show the flags for the mailing lists.

thank you for your help,


Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:13 pm
by hopeless
I have a problem that is technically similar. Only the other way. I want to import 2000 recipients, but I wouldn´t enter this mailing list manually. Does that work automatically per mouse click? The additional fields to describe the mailing list for the import don`t exist.

Thank you for every answer.

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:26 pm
by Harley77
It would appear this is not directly possible. The only way to subscribe a lot of people to a mailing list at once is to create the list from a target group.

Using external applications that allow you manipulate mySQL or just some fancy SQL queries, you could to a mass subscribe to an existing list, but not in the native app.