We just did a fresh install from source. After fixing most issues I'm still a bit lost how the jsp pages work internally to debug why the variables in some URLs are not interpolated. The specific code snippet I am currently stuck at is from recipient/list.jsp:
Code: Select all
<display:column class="name" headerClass="head_name" titleKey="Salutation">
<bean:message key="gender.${recipient.gender}.short"/>
gender.${recipient.gender}.short won't be correctly interpolated. Or more exactly: It will be interpolated but with an empty value. How come?
This problem continues throughout the code, e.g. in URL generation:
Code: Select all
<html:link page="/recipient.do?action=${ACTION_CONFIRM_DELETE}&recipientID=${recipient.customerid}">
${recipient.customerid} will be substituted with an empty value. However ${ACTION_CONFIRM_DELETE} is substituted. So the interpolation generally works - it's just returning empty values for "recipient".
Thus I suppose there is nothing wrong with all these code snippets but something deeper in the dependencies. But I am completely new to java hosting. Any clue would be greatly appreciated.