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OpenEMM in Virtual Hosting Environment

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:00 pm
by amitabhmca
Hello All,

I was googling and got to know that OpenEMM is available as open source.

I have gone through the OpenEMM Installation doc and got to know that to continue with the installation,we need to create openemm user.

my problem is how do i create openemm user in virtualhosting environment as i don't have root..

Quick response would be appreciated.


Re: OpenEMM in Virtual Hosting Environment

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:45 pm
by mmenke
amitabhmca wrote:Hello All,

I was googling and got to know that OpenEMM is available as open source.

I have gone through the OpenEMM Installation doc and got to know that to continue with the installation,we need to create openemm user.

my problem is how do i create openemm user in virtualhosting environment as i don't have root..

Quick response would be appreciated.

You can't. I don't know what you mean by "virtual hosting environment", but if you are talking about simple "webspace" here - save your time :) For running openemm you will need at least a virtual server with root access..

Re:OpenEMM in Virtual Hosting environment

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 12:33 pm
by amitabhmca
Hello mmenke,

Thank you for your reply.

What i meant is,i have a reseller account and i have a site called "" which i want to use for my email marketing purpose.

so this site is in shared hosting environment and As openEMM install needs an openemm user to continue with the install and in this case i do not have root access and not be able to create the user.

Please advice..


Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 8:18 am
by pheelix
you need at least a shell-access to the server and a sudo-able user if you dont have the full root account.