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Offline-HTML does not work?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:46 pm
by leSasch
Hi together,

I'm trying to send an offline-capable mailing using the standard template (de_template) for testing purposes.
The mailing is set to "Text, HTML and Offline-HTML" and the test-receiver to "offline-html".
When the mail arrives, the image is not embedded, but should be loaded from the server (I suppose that this is the Online-HTML behavior?).
Is this a bug?

Thanks for answers

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:46 am
by maschoff
online HTML (oder normal HTML): images are loaded from web server
offline HTML (or inline HTML): images are embedded as mail attachments

Images for offline HTML must be uploaded into OpenEMM (see menu item mailing, tab "picture components").