im completely lost
i extracted the files to my server
and i read the manual
and this is all i have in the installation instructions
1. After unzipping the files, edit the "_acp-ml/inc.settings.php" file
you will need:
- your SMTP server settings (if you plan on using SMTP)
- your MySQL settings
* if you are unusure about anything up to this point, do not continue
get someone to help you
2. Upload the files to a directory on your site
3. Secure the "_acp-ml" directory using _acp-ml/.htaccess and _acp-ml/.htpasswd
A sample is provided. Please change the password in .htpasswd,
the default (password) is not secure. You can generate another password
using the tools at under the Resources menu
(Create htpasswd)
4. To use the new import functionality, create a _acp-ml/files/ directory off
the root of your PHPMailer-ML installation and make the directory writable
i need somebody to simplify this for me