Recipients are not saving..!?

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Recipients are not saving..!?

Post by Dragon »


This problem only just appears to have occured - the recipient record appears to save, but the recipient cannot then be found when searched for - either in the UI or backend.

Any suggestions - this is really odd.


I've checked the recipient row limit in openemmproperties file, and this is fine - we're only at 25% of capacity.
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Post by maschoff »

Do you use 6.RC1? If so, there is a bug in the new import wizard which forgets to manipulate customer_1_tbl_seq. Bug is fixed with 6.RC2.
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recipients not saving using the 'New Recipient' form

Post by Dragon »

Hi - this issue isn't found on import, and we're currently using v5.5.1.

The issue is specifically when tring to create a New Recipient using the left pane navigation option.

There does seem to be some issue though - it looks as though it's retaining some 'mailing list' information - so it shows values such as 'unsubscribed' etc on a 'new' recipient form against some mailing lists - which it shouldn't.

Is it possible there is some kind of 'cache' issue with the 'new recipient form' (which I believe is isplayed using the view.jsp page..??)

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Post by maschoff »

We are not aware of any problem and use the functionality ourselves. We recommend to sit this issue out and to upgrade to the final version of OpenEMM 6.0 next week when it becomes available.
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Post by Dragon »

I wasn't aware of any issue previously either - the product has been in use for almost a year..

Is there a way to install a fresh copy of the recipient form, or canyou point me in the direction of what it is looking at and where to display the recipient form, so that I can see if there is anything I can change...

To wait until the next version is released is not really an option for us - we need to sort this out now ...

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Post by maschoff »

OpenEMM 6.0 is available now at SourceForge.
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Post by Igol »

Hi Dragon

Did you get to the bottom of your issue? I have recently imported 5.5.1 data to the 6.0.1 system and have upgraded the database as per the scripts shipped with the product. I however am having similar issues to you?

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