dynamically specifying recipients using webservice interface

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dynamically specifying recipients using webservice interface

Post by gmanoni »


We are evaluating OpenEMM and its webservice interface, and feel very confident in its ability to support mass-marketing campaigns and do broadcast mailings. Based upon its feature set, it seemed that OpenEMM might also be suitable for sending out mailings to dynamically determined groups or individuals, but the approach for addressing these latter scenarios through the webservice interface seems less clear.

It seems like possible solutions might include:
  • -creating one mailing list per recipient
    -adding all recipients to a single mailing list, but defining one target group for each recipient
    -dynamically creating and deleting mailing lists on the fly with the intended recipient(s)
I was wondering if anyone has experience or expertise to share with regard to using OpenEMM for sending out mailings to dynamically determined groups or individuals through the webservice interface.

Thanks for any insights.

Greg Manoni
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2009 2:42 pm
Location: USA

Post by ghogan »

The Why OpenEMM site claims that the behavior is supported but I too cannot find a way of doing it through the WSDL or web service documentation.


Any feedback on this. I suspect I am missing something obvious.


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