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no make file for sendmail

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:28 pm
by tomboss

I have OpenEMM running on a vserver (HostEurope) with Ubuntu, Plesk and qmail. The GUI works fine and I was able to explore the functionality of OpenEMM: great System, thanks for providing it!

Since I would like to step further and actually send emails with OpenEMM, I got to solve this issue with sendmail:
*most configuration files exist (like
*file mailertable does not exist
*make file does not exist
*"which sendmail" tells me "user/sbin/sendmail"
*"aptitude search sendmail" shows all sendmail packages without any marked as "i" (for installed)
*"aptitude install sendmail-cf" installs one file, but still no make file in /etc/mail
*simulating installation of sendmail (not -cf) showes, that plesk and qmail would rather be deinstalled due to dependencies that can not be met, so this is no option

Without the make file, I can not follow the instructions for the installation. Has anyone an idea what to do? I'd apprechiate any suggestion!

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 9:47 pm
by maschoff
You have to disable qmail (which tries to emulate sendmail) and install the real sendmail.