I've been reading the forum and noticed that some people are facing the same problem but still i found no solution.
The duplicate-check option for the double-optin action doesnt seem to avoid someone to register multiple times with the same email adress.
Each subscription simply erase the field (like name etc) of the user but doesnt change the mailing status.
Is there a way to avoid this behavior ?
Like having an error message telling the user that the email already exists for this mailing?
The behavior i would like to have is as follow:
New user subscribe, creation of his entry in the system, waiting for confirmation. (This is the actual behavior so no problem there)
User already exists in the system.
Case2':User tries to subscribe to a mailing that he is already registered with --> system throws an error and doenst do any change.
Case2'':User tries to subscribe to a new mailing list (that he is not registered with yet) and uses different name to subscribe --> system send the regular double optin email but doesnt change the name at this time !!! It should only change the name after the confirmation link has been clicked.
I really hope you can show me some way to work around this problem as I'm almost ready to launch the system on a production server

Best regards,