-Windows 2003 server
When I try to run setup.bat (c:/openemm)
in comand line that error happens.
Can someone help me pls?
The result is:
Starting up .. home is C:\OpenEMM .. found codebase .. CAUGHT EXCEPTION:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\OpenEMM\bin\openemm.py", line 177, in <module>
for mskey in sorted ([_r for _r in agn.winregList (bkey) if type (_r) in typ
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
openemm.py object is not iterable
Moderator: moderator
How did you install MySQL? I encountered this error because I had used the MySQL no-install option.
It that case just comment out the whole section
and add in this line
Note: just change it to where ever your mysql home directory is.
It that case just comment out the whole section
Code: Select all
#for version in ['5.0', '5.1']:
# mskey = r'SOFTWARE\MySQL AB\MySQL Server %s' % version
# mysqlhome = agn.winregFind (mskey, 'Location')
# if not mysqlhome is None:
# break
#if mysqlhome is None:
# bkey = r'SOFTWARE\MySQL AB'
# for mskey in sorted ([_r for _r in agn.winregList (bkey) if type (_r) in types.StringTypes]):
# if 'server' in mskey.lower ():
# mysqlhome = agn.winregFind ('%s\\%s' % (bkey, mskey), 'Location')
Code: Select all
mysqlhome = 'D:\mysql-5.1.42-win32'